Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Do what you love, with no apologies.

Every year I have the opportunity to travel and play slow pitch softball with some of my best friends. We always look forward to heading to Orlando to play in USSSA Worlds and work hard all year to get to that culminating end to our season. That is when we hope everything comes together, hitting, defense, team chemistry, etc. This year we played in Division C for the first time and did well, although we wanted to do better. That is the joy of playing with driven adult athletes, we always want to get better and have been lucky enough to do so the past three years. From 13th out of 100+ teams in Division D in 2011, to 3rd out of 90 in D in 2012, to 5th out of 39 in C in 2013, we are seeing the efforts of our hard work and dedication pay off. 

 I always get the question... why do you play so much? Doesn't that take up a lot of time? How much does all that cost? And my answer, every single time, is because I love it. I love doing something that fills my competitive nature, takes me places I wouldn't otherwise go, and brings me around people that make my life better. And because of that, I wouldn't trade any experience or time I have given to play slow pitch for anything else. It continues to teach me lessons and humbles me every time I step foot onto a field, and for that, I am grateful.  

Until next year, Orlando. I'll be eagerly waiting.

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